me: so you know how i got those two new space heaters? well, i have this great idea.
quasi-bf: what's that? you leave one at your house and one at your office?
me: no! i'll put one in my bedroom and one in the living room and keep them on while i'm home so i won't ever have to turn my heater on! i'll be saving tons of money. it's so genius!
quasi-bf: no, it's stupid. just turn your heater on. why are you being so cheap?
me: umm, i was a child of the depression.
quasi-bf: what the hell?? you were born in the 1980s! your mom was born in the mid 60s and your grandparents weren't even born until the late 30s and early 40s. who the hell do you even know that lived during the great depression??
me: my great grandmother. she once told me how she knew someone who stood in line for bread.
quasi-bf: your family's not even american! i'm pretty sure the swiss and italians didn't have the great depression.
me: i watch a lot of history channel. i know what the great depression was like and i don't ever want to go back.
In and Out for 2025
2 months ago
Hahahah...too funny!!!
I saw a movie once set in gret depression times. Seems terrible. I'm off to but two space heaters.
You're a weird cat, Meredith. A weird cat. But that's what keeps me reading....
ok, see the thing is, i thought that was a brilliant idea. i mean the less money you spend on heat, the more money you have to spend on other wonderful, selfish things. but i would have used an excuse like saving the earth or something because i sucked at history. (is using more gas/oil worse than using more electricity? i don't even know. i'm just rambling now. sorry...)
I completely agree with you. Like how I watch a lot of Discovery Health and never want to give birth. Seriously.
#1- be careful with space heaters. Left on and unattended they are a huge fire hazard. It's like leaving on an oven. Ha! I sound like your mom!
#2- my sister said it actually doesn't save money to run a space heater (especially 2) all the time. Her electric bill was super high one year when she used a space heater around the clock. Just something to think about.
Wow, I really didn't mean to sound like your mother, just wanted to share the info!
haha too funny
I was going to say that they are a fire hazard too! My OCD would not let me keep those on while we weren't home. Hehe
You are so funny!
I saw one of those Mohawk hats on the head of a guy in the Mt. Shasta Mall yesterday.
I love the history channel, espescially when I want to take a nap. Or find out little known facts about Hitler.
i know exactly what you mean. i watch wild hearts can't be broken...i know all about the GD. hahaha!
you're funny but real talk...turn your heater on.
So last winter our furnace broke. Or in my opinion, the furnace guy broke it on purpose so we'd have to replace it. We didn't buy one from him. However it took two weeks to get a new one installed. Our power will went DOWN during the month when we were unable to run our furnace (which is also electric). The only way to know for sure if it's working to save you money is by trying it, and then see what you get on your bill next month.
How was I not following your blog before today!? Thanks for all your sweet comments! :)
Too funny! I just found your blog an love it! (And hey, we've technically been in a sort-of depression these past few years, so you're just being smart right?!)
can we be flossin twins?! i'm just sayin...
Tell quasi the great depression was felt all over the world not just here but you should be careful with those space heaters they can start fires. Try turning your heat down low at night and using more blankets.
Hahaha that is so funny!!!
Um, wow, it's like my own conversations. Love it.
Although, I have to agree with a few others, those space heaters aren't great for saving money. Take it to work, who cares if you run up their electric bill!
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