Sunday, December 6, 2009

lobbyist by day. america's next top wreath maker by night.

so it snowed in houston, texas on friday.  honest to goodness snow.  like white and fluffy sticking on the ground and on the cars kind of snow.  now everyone freak out and go buck wild because i guarantee most houstonians did.
okay, now that we've gotten that out of our system, on with the show.  my show that is.  let me first tell you how i spent the first half of my day on friday, so you can feel really sorry for me because a little sympathy always makes everyone feel better.  i'll give you a hint, i wasn't out enjoying the snow.  i spent four hours of my life working at an election poll in the freezing, rainy, sleety, icy, snowy precipitation (it wasn't full fledge snowing at this point, more like an obnoxious tease of snow).  needless to say, i believe my fingers and toes were severely frost bitten, the uggs i thought were water proof were not so my wool socks were soaked, my clothes were drenched and sticking to me, and my nose wouldn't stop running.  mmmm.  truth be told, i actually sat in my car for most of those four hours, but whatever, that's besides the point.  once i was wet, i couldn't get dry so i was miserable.

now to the topic of my post - wreath making.  boring much?  wrong!  not boring if you're america's next top wreath maker like i discovered i was thursday night!  let me tell you how it all went down: i had a couple meetings thursday afternoon and then later that evening i had to attend some campaign events.  (you'll find that i lead an ever exciting life during election season.)  bailey's mimi was puppysitting her for me, so i took advantage of my free time in between meeting and events to run some errands.  i have a gorgeous wreath that my mom got me last year that i put on my front door, and i was wanting one for my living room coffee table as well.  i stopped by michael's where christmas wreaths and most things christmas-ish were 50% off.  woo hoo on pre-season sales!!  retailers are finally getting smart.  anyways, i find a great plain wreath that i would be able to decorate adding my own style and touches.  i went through michael's aisle by aisle choosing items that would match my designated theme.  i wanted to roughly put it together to see what it would look like.  so there i was in the middle of michael's busting out the craft wire cutters and making my masterpiece.  after a few minutes a couple of people began gathering around my cart.  after 15 minutes there were ten spectators.  after i finished i looked up to see women ooooing and ahhhhing over my wreath and heard murmers of them saying what a masterful wreathmaker i was!!


jessalyn said...

ew for your friday- i definitely have sympathy for you- there is nothing worse than being wet and cold.
i tried making a wreath last weekend. it did not come out even half as well as yours. also, it has fallen off of my house and landed face down in mulch like three times so far.
and i am jealous of your snow- i live in new england and all we got where i live was cold cold rain. i loooooove me some snow :)

Honey Bee said...

Heyyy, congrats on having such a sweet talent.
I'm sure the spectators must have been so envious!
I love snow-I have only experienced it once in my lifetime (maybe that's why).

G said...

america's top wreath maker!!! amazing! Nice to meet you.