to be honest, when i was first thinking about beginning a blog last october, i was throwing a couple of name ideas around. i knew i wanted something unique that would represent me in a way that would make people want to know, what does that blog name even mean?? i narrowed it down between "check engine light" and "(flash) pasteurized." the first was taken, so that made my decision easy.
when most people think of flash pasteurized, they think of vegetable and fruit juice beverages and not my blog. in fact, my favorite juices like odwalla, naked, bolthouse farms, and sir real all undergo the process of flash pasteurization. per my best friend wiki (better known to the masses as wikipedia), flash pasteurization "is a method of heat pasteurization of perishable beverages like fruit and vegetable juices, beer, and some wine. compared to other pasteurization processes, it maintains color and flavor better. [...] it is done prior to filling into containers in order to kill spoilage microorganisms to make the products safer and extend their shelf life. flash pasteurization must be used in conjunction with sterile fill technology and therefore has the risk of post-pasteurization contamination if hygiene standards are not rigorously enforced."
the parts i put in bold in the definition above are the most important. for me, in some weird way, these words represent my faith in a non-overt, non-in-your-face kind of way. as weird as it may seem (because i'm weird), these words describe me. being (flash) pasteurized is all about being made new and whole, free from any blemish or crap. flash pasteurization is a process i must go through daily in committing my life to God and renewing my faith. for me, my faith is incredibly important. it is the most important. it defines who i am and my direction in life. i would not say i am a "religious" person; to me "religion" is a set of man-made rules that came about as a way of trying to explain God in a way for our feeble human minds to understand and grasp. for me, God can't be explained or taught; He cannot be put in a box; and He cannot fully be understood or comprehended. He can only be experienced and felt. i know a lot of people don't like "Jesus-y" blogs. (i'm still not sure what that entirely means other than to say my life itself is full of Jesus.) and that's fine. we're all very much entitled to our opinion and you have the choice in which blogs you choose to read or not read. i will not make apologies more my faith or beliefs, just as i hope you would not make for yours.
if anyone else has any questions about anything, shoot me an email. there's one specific question, i'm wondering why none of my readers have asked... we'll see if anyone's secretly dying to know that one. in the meantime, can someone please tell me what possesses someone to get this tattoo?!?!
I became a follower yesterday and I totally wondered what your name meant, so yay for someone asking! And that tattoo has scarred my day, yick.
The real question is why is his belly button all stretched out crazy? A bit of art imitating life?
Yea, I was wondering too. Thanks for sharing
and ewww that tattoo is nasty.
That is the most awful and horrible tattoo I have ever seen. I guess that person is a fan of cat ass and/or regretting things?
I was so happy to see that this was the topic today because I have wondered about the meaning behind your blog name. It is even more awesome now that I know. :)
I wondered what it meant, but never asked. Now I'm dying to know what else I should be asking. Didn't you once mention a quasi-bf? What's up with him?
"there's one specific question, i'm wondering why none of my readers have asked"
Is it....why is flash in parenthesis?
Is it....why is Meredith so cute?
Is it....how do you already have 199 followers?
That tattoo is horrible! YIKES!
I'm so glad you addressed this and I loved your answer. I agree with your words on religion and your beliefs 100% and you did a great job of explaining it - way better than I ever would have. It's refreshing!!! :)
That tattoo is disturbing.
Thanks for explaining what your blog name is means, I definitely did wonder about it.
I thought the blog name might have had something to do with all your food allergies...maybe? Ha guess I was wrong. A friend of the hubs wants a tattoo that uses the belly button. He wants to do a monkey though instead with another monkey pointing and laughing. He's an interesting fellow but he gave me a free belly ring (he owns his own body jewelry store).
PS Have you already blogged on what all your allergies are? I'm *super* curious.
Thanks for the explanation! I've been wondering! Enjoy your weekend!
i want to know if dad ever met bailey. did you cover that and i am just having short term memory loss? (it happens a lot to me...)
you're rad. and really, 199 followers? that is like crazy, yo.
Like the story behind your blog name.
That is the most disturbing tattoo...Eww!
Makes sense. I had googled flash pasteurization but had no idea how it related to you! And I HAVE asked before about quasi-bf but you never answered! So mysterious. Who is he, and why is he called quasi-bf?
Yeah...and my other question, how in the hell did you get 199 followers already!? I mean, I know you're kind of a big deal, but I had no idea so many others did! Haha.
I was wondering so thanks for answering, very cool answer!!
And here i thought it had to do with what you do for a living. Obviously, after reading your blog, i know its not your job so thank you for the explanation...oh and thanks for the asshole in the morning. That tat is all kinds of wrong.
GAH! That tattoo is horrendous!
And love that you explained your blog name... I had wondered! Great explanation. :)
I love your explanation but I have to ask......is this the question no one has asked.//
How big are your boobs?
hahaha...I dunno..just the first one that popped into my head because it was something someone asked ME yesterday.
I just found your blog and was wondering what the name meant...bingo! I got the answer right away! I like it - very clever way of describing your faith.
And I could go the rest of my life without ever seeing a tattoo like that again. Yuck!
I was kinda wondering. And I appreciate you being able to really put yourself out there and be comfortable and confident in your beliefs. I too have no problem gushing my love for God when I do so feel like it on my blog. Good for you...
And yes, why why why would someone get that type of tat?
best thing ever. I got an email forwarded to me from my boyfriend who had also had the contents forwarded to him by a friend it was from http://ugliesttattoos.com/ it was a picture of my boyfriends ex girlfriend aka my arch nemesis. AMAZING. People get the ugliest and most strange tattoos ever.....email me if you want the link! haha
I LOVE the reasoning behind your name choice :)
And ummmm... why do people get such NASTY tattoos? I don't get it!!! YUUUUUUCCCCKKK!!!! I am traumatized from that one!
oh my gosh, what are you secretly dying we ask??!!! and that tattoo is beyond vulgar and hideous.
Very interesting, missy! I totally wondered that myself. I like the reasons behind why you chose that name. Awesome, as always.
So what I am getting is you not spoiled, and you are free from micro-organisms and STD's.
I agree with you views on god, though I am agnostic.
At least the tattoo isn't spelled wrong that is a plus.
And you are dying to tell us about your many food allergies a how you live on only marshmallows and glutton free pizza.
Or why the boyfriend is only a "quasi" boy friend of course we all know you are afraid I 'd stop reading if you called him a real boyfriend ;).
Very good description! And I'm glad someone asked :)
That tattoo is horrible. And gross.
Great job defining your title!!!
It's always interesting to see why people choose what they do to define their space. You are unique and very good with your words...YOU MAINTAIN YOUR COLOR shall i say, because you are who are and aren't hiding behind anything like some people i know :)- Lol
Now onto THAT tattoo...whomever got that is disturbed and WILL regret that later on in life. {Or at least i would hope} Look at their belly-button...it's shaped funky and maybe they assumed it looked like that type of "hole". Ewwwww i can't believe i just said that.
OMG, I'm so glad that you came to my blog, and then when I came to yours for the first time, you defined your title! LOL.
LOVE how it's a reflection of your faith.
And yes, I'll be stalking. :)
Want to know what I thought the blog name meant (at the very first glance I had) - I thought it was a super hero name :) ha ha ha ha However, I thought about it and sort of made the connection that pasteurization meant change, or at least something along those lines. I absolutely love the meaning behind it, now that I've read your explanation. It's personal; it's real; and it's all about you and your life. When I chose my name, I wanted it to reflect my past, present and future. Perhaps, I'll do a similar explanation post one day :)
Oh - and thanks for making me "CRACK" up with your picture ;) ha ha ha ha
I always wanted to know what you're blog name meant because it's so different :) Thanks for letting us now! I think it's great how you relate it to your faith.
What a strange tattoo. Rather gross if you ask me lol.
What a fabulous explanation! Only a couple people have ever asked about ours too. Funny! And that tatoo....OMG, no way.
I was wondering what the heck it meant! Thanks for explainig it, whew!
I agree with you, though. My faith is extremely important to me, just as it is to you, and I feel the same way about everything you said. You're definitely my new bff. :)
Just came across your blog through ''Brown Girl Blogs''. I love the clever blog name, i wondered when I clicked on it. I'm in Texas too, what part are you in?
So now I know where it came from. I didn't ask because I wanted to pretend to be smart and cool and know what it was all about.
I did always wonder . . .
I absolutely l-o-v-e this post. Not only did it give me insight into the meaning behind your blog name, but I could not describe my relationship with God (and my thoughts on religion, per se) more eloquently than you did here. So glad I found you and your blog. Big Hugs.
Thanks for the explanation. I was wondering that too!
I am so glad you explained it - love the theory. And what is that godwaful tattoo?
I LOVE the meaning woman!!! I guess I just figured you'd tell when you were ready! =)
I always find it curious how people come up with the names of their blogs. Well, at least the ones that aren't as obvious as mine.
Thanks for sharing. I also couldn't agree more with you views on "religion" and faith.
Love it. It hadn't occurred to me to apply it in that context... if I'm totally honest with you, I thought it was your clever play on words to get the effect of "flash past your eyes."
Which made sense to me, as it seems you have the view that life is too short and moments are too fleeting to waste time on the things that, in the end, don't really matter... your subtitle about a perfectionist in an imperfect world supported my argument.
Love it, though. And ITA with you on the concept of faith vs. religion. I'm Catholic, and it seems like people loooooove to take an easy shot at Catholicism at any opportunity. My view has always been that faith is the divine, and religion is the human application of it... and that being human, it is inherently flawed. It's our job (individually and collectively) to aim higher than that.
Oh, and thanks for the inevitable tattoo-centric nightmares. ;)
Love the story behind the name of your blog... I had been wondering it meant for while too. Very, very cool reasons why you chose it.
And that tattoo... wrong in every way something could be wrong. Ewwww!!
I'm glad your friend asked because I always wondered. That tattoo is wrong on so many levels!
I've always wondered what the dealio was with your blog name, too.
That tattoo is sick and wrong.
wow grossest tattoo ever! cute blog tho :o) can't wait to keep reading!
I think the name of your blog is very unique! I'm glad you told us the story behind.
Loved reading this explanation! My faith is important to me, too, although like you were saying---I'm not a very "religious" person in that sense...
and that tat is just EWWWWWW.
Good one Mer! I thought the same as Rachel's comment.."flash past your eyes" too. But I like your explanation and deeper meaning!
I always figured it was something science-y and so I stopped thinking about it because I try not to think about science as much as possible.
i love this post! perfectly said!
That's so great! I love this. I totally agree with you about your definition. God wants us to have a relationship, not just go through the motions of "church"!
i have that tattoo.
I've been wondering about the blog name! Thanks for clearing it up! And, I like it a lot....it's creative and unqiue.
Thanks for the info about the blog name - interesting! And - that tatoo - OMG! I seriously laughed out loud. I mean!???
I completely agree with you in regards toward religion, as I'm confident in my own faith, it's still nice to see someone with the same perspective.
As for the picture; where on earth do you find this shit!?
I've wondered why you chose that name before, but never did ask. Sounds perfect for you!
I just found your blog and the first thing I wondered was what your blog name meant. So glad I came across this post! And yes that tattoo is just nasty!
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