wow. yesterday's post and the comments that ensued were quite the doozy. i want to say a HUGE HUGE thank you to all of you who came to cheer me on against that hateful commenter. i know many of us have had the distinct pleasure of receiving some pretty shitty comments from ugly haters, so i wanted to make sure you all know how much your comments really mean to me. (if you're just tuning in and don't know what the eff i'm talking about, read yesterday's post, paying particular attention to the comments...) **UPDATE: hateful commenter has graced us with her presence yet again today on this post and has made a couple super nice comments. i appreciate the time you're spending on me, my blog, and my AWESOME followers today.**

scott brown wins massachusetts open senate seat. scott brown (aka - political hottie mchotterson) has won the open senate seat in the state of massachusetts. (one of the members of the trifecta happens to live in this great state.) for those of you who refuse to follow politics or read a newspaper, this senate race was to fill ted kennedy's seat. this is a big deal because it's the first republican senator elected in that state in thirty years. pres. obama's state of the union address next week is gonna be interesting. part of me is wondering if he's going to come out and be all like: americans, i hate to break it to you, but this is efffffed up! (he backed scott brown's opponent, democrat martha coakley.)
{not a bad lookin' politician, if i do say so myself.}
zac efron looking to play a role in the hangover 2. whaaaaaaat?? noooo!! say it ain't so, hangover casting crew. the last thing i need is for disney's high school musical 1, 2, and 3's star to show up in one of my absolute faves. really, zac, stay away from my hangover.
{zac's on the far right. i know this because i have an 11 year old sister obsessed with disney.}
{hmmmm, zac looks like he's grown up a little since his high school musical days...}
hong kong fashion week. here are some particularly interesting pieces i thought you would enjoy. please wear them this weekend and let me know how is goes.
{christian lou-what??? move over, louby, these goodies by guo pei will be the latest rage. seriously, though, can you imagine walking in these bad boys?? good luck with that. i'd for sure snap an ankle. MODG, maybe you can get kim k. to send you these??}
{apparently hong kong heard all the americans bitching about how cold this last winter has been and ningbo greenland costume industrial co., ltd. has responded. kind of reminds me of all the marshmallows i eat. i presume - if i could see my insides - they would look something like this.}
{i would totes wear this. i like my "personal space," you see, and this seems to be the appropriate amount. thanks, guo pei.}
{lee wai ling, can i have this whole get-up sans the ruffles? thanks.}
{this bitch means business. maybe it's just me, but this handgun isn't exactly "concealed. baldwin pui, you're not really fooling anyone.}
{i can't help but think of some really nasty things when i look at this creation by fan chun pang... or maybe it just looks like elmer's glue?}
eight teens end up in hospital after drinking hot sauce. you may have seen this article here, but check this out: "officials in germany say eight teenagers were hospitalized after a test of courage in which they drank chili sauce more than 200 times hotter than typical tabasco sauce. (wtf were they thinking??) the red cross in the southern city of augsburg says that 10 boys, aged 13 and 14, drank the sauce wednesday morning, apparently in school. [...] the red cross said that on the scoville scale, which measures the hotness of sauce, the sauce measured 535,000 — compared to 2,500 for normal tabasco sauce." if you're thinking, wtf??!? you're not alone, that was my first thought, too.
i will be cheating on edward cullen tonight at 7:00 p.m. CST. blasphemous, i know. please withhold your judgments. i can't help it, though. vampire diaries starts back up tonight, and (i'm ashamed to say) after watching a marathon of it about a month ago, i'm kind of interested to see what happens.
i make surferwife want to pee her pants. monique is a member of the very coveted trifecta, so this award means more to me than anyone can ever know. she has a snarky ass mouth, and is funny as all get up so if i make her want to pee her pants, you know i'm just that good.
i make surferwife want to pee her pants. monique is a member of the very coveted trifecta, so this award means more to me than anyone can ever know. she has a snarky ass mouth, and is funny as all get up so if i make her want to pee her pants, you know i'm just that good.
my little nugget will be going obedience school. her selective hearing is worse than her mommy's and SHE.REFUSES.TO.LISTEN.TO.ME.
republicans...ew. oh and zac effron double ew! lol. :)
The shoes seriously kill me. And they would literally kill me if I tried to sport 'em. MODG is prolly the only bitch who can pull the off. Her and her damn skinny ass legs. Some people have all the luck!
zac effron is lookin good....hmmm, not so young anymore is he!! Good luck to Bailey in obedience school!!!
Yeah first thought was definitely not Elmer's glue.
Comment from the only man to stalk err I mean, read this blog ;)
Ok apparently japan has NO fashion sense what so ever! That last hat looks like you barfed your marshmallows all over it!
My little girl has selective hearing too, especially when outside. Drives me INSANEE. Maybe I should send her to school too.
Those shoes are ridiculous lol. Good luck to whoever tries to wear them.
And drinking hot sauce? What goes through the head of a 13-14 yeear old boy is beyond me.
Have a good day! :)
First of all, I totally missed the comment debacle yesterday. What a bitch!
That does not look like Elmer's Glue!
I can't wait until VD comes back on. I've been wondering about the cliffhanger from the episode 18 months ago. Or what seems like 18 months ago.
Awww, that's a good picture of your furbaby. You know what mine did last night? Ate my BRAND new Calvin Klein pointy-toed slingbacks! I could KILL HER! But then I look at her little nuggety face and I can't help but love her.
this post was hysterical. too funny.
i love your little nugget.
Yes...yes...yes for the new rep...he's a looker :)
Awww...may your girl pay FULL attention while she is in class. I know how that can be...we girls only hear what we want to hear.
Boo to hater!!!
What . . Japan not have good fashion sense? I was totally gonna wear those shoes with the crazy bowl dress tomorrow. Damn. Now I need something new to wear.
Those shoes are awful! Zac is still a baby in my eyes, he doesn't belong in The Hangover. Is he even 21? I don't understand those kind of fashion shows... do people actually buy that shit?
Zac Ef is no Brad Coop! Nuff said! No to the Disney Hangover!
The Elmer hat made me think of something much more gross which I won't admit here. ICK!
Mmm hot sauce. Maybe we can feed some to Shayna so she can STFU!
zac efron is 21 or 22 now which = fair game. i'd tap that.
sushi could teach bailey some lessons in obedience. she KNOWS who's boss and will never forget it, otherwise the ugly clothes come out...
I made a small note about Brown's win today too. I lived in MA for 6 years, and now NH so the coverage was on our news. I was shocked. Intereseting. Obvi people are not happy with one Mr. O!
ANd, Zac in a Hangover movie!? LIKEY
the Hangover was one of those movies that can NOT be repeated. A sequel is going to suck, so they may as well let efron be in it, so they can blame it's suckiness on him.
Dear Shayna... was Meredith someone you knew in HS? Did the boy you liked like her? Are you jealous of her good looks?
What is it? I am so confused.
LOL. PS. Zac... well, I am def. a cougar... so I will avoid a comment. Sorry you have someone being a BIOTCH on your comments.
Hmmm I wonder where I could obtain a pair of those shoes. They would be so practical.
Who is this Shayna? Meredith do you know who she is?
I am a "cougar" for Zac too. I'm thankful he's at least 18 (I think 21 now), because he is definitely good looking. Lord, that makes me feel like such a pedophile to say that, but I'm not THAT old (despite what my husband tells me).
I'm sorry you got some hateful comments-- but I love that you turned it into blog fodder!
Stopping by from another blog we both love and follow!
Confessions From A Working Mom
for those of you asking if i know who this "shayna" person is... NO, i have no idea who she is or why she is such a bitter, hateful person.
thank you everyone for your kickass comments! you guys are da best! :) xoxox
Ummm. I don't even understand what Shayna's first comment even means. Who are you plugging? Zac Efron? The senator? Me?
My 7 year old son could write out more coherent comments.
I loe this post- you are too cute!
Shayna..... the big man upstairs doesn't like ugly! And your being UGLY! jus' sayin!
Vamoose if you don't like Meredith's blog! I am sure it won't hurt her feelings at all... so BUH BYE!
Movin on...
I <3 Vampire Diaries!
Hong Kong Fashion Week = Hong Kong Fashion Wreck!
I would NEVER wear a helmet/hat that looks like someone spunked on my head! GROSS!
Or a dress that made me look like a human cupcake!
News Flash: I don't support you just so you can "plug"? me. I'd give you the pee my pants award too if I could figure out how haha.
Dearest Shayna,
If you have all this hatred for flash why on earth are you wasting your time on this blog? We get it. You don't like it. Clearly everyone who is a faithful reader does so BOUNCE.
with love,
red dreads
Oh for the love of all that is keeping me sane today, would someone PLEASE shut that cow Shayna up??
Shayna my darling, I have no idea who you are but I can already tell you that you're wrong. I know that's a phrase you might not hear often, but it's true. See, I've only just come across Flash's blog TODAY. First time ever. So. She's never "plugged" me, done anything for me, or anything like that.
You know why we all support her? Because we (as a the Borg, only better) don't like it when people come on into people's spaces and hate on them like that. So, I don't know what crawled up your ass and died, but why don't you take yourself and your evil stench and piss off?
** For my actual FIRST TIME comment on this here space which I found thanks to Surfer Wife's wacky are SO funny Flash! I love that pic of your fur baby. Too cute! And if you find a way to keep Zac away from the Hangover sequel, I will be forever indebted to you.
That pic of the the Elmer's glue head (but really looks like something else) is disturbing. I don't get it. Really.
Found your page through MODG. We heart her, and love your bloggery. Will be following from this moment on. The crazy giant shoes pictured above should def be the shoe of choice for the Shayna face kick. Then some drops of this hot sauce in the eyes are in order. The end. I will pass along said advice to MODG.
So I'm pretty sure China needs to take some advice from Japan's "fashion" in regauards to China's one-child policy...correct me if i'm wrong, but those clothes are pretty equivalent to chastity belts.
...the 'elmer's glue' hat however...
Did you steal Shayna's orange crayon in kindergarten? I mean really, you should just give it back by now, because the beyotch obviously holds a grudge. Oh and I'm here from Surferwife's blog so you can PLEASE plug me. I mean, I don't have a blog or anything, but I think my Facebook page is pretty cool. So yeah, I need the plug.
Actually, I think you're down right hilarious, and I look forward to adding you to my list of blogs I stalk. Oh, and I DEFINITELY was not thinking Elmer's glue.....
Shayna- SHUT THE HELL UP. No one likes you, your mom, or the cockroach that has obviously crawled up your ass.
Find something better to waste your time on. Like plugging your pie hole.
ok, my beloved trifecta partner...a few things (sorry i am late to this party).
first of all, how sweet that shayna clearly despises you so much that she feels compelled to waste time out of her obviously very busy day to come and comment on your blog. you are obvi very important to her or she wouldn't continue to come to your blog, read what you wrote, and take time out of her life to leave a comment. poor shayna just wants to be you. but not in a cool way, like me.
also, i can first hand tell you what happened with this election. martha coakley had such a horrid campaign that everyone was all "shut up already martha", and felt like she needed to go shit in a hat, so no one voted for her. when i tell you that they shoved this election down the throats of MA residents, that is an understatement. there were NO other commercials on tv- not even verizon/at&t wars. and all of martha's adds were "booo scott". not one was "yay i am martha and this is why i am great".
anywhooos. google scotts cosmo spread :) you.are.welcome.
i am sure i could comment on everything else, but really, i have said enough.
Can't believe I missed bitchface's comments yesterday. Some people just have waaaay too much time on their hands. WAY TOO MUCH! She's probably 10 years old, hiding from her drunken mother, trying to get a rise out of us cause her life is so pathetically boring and painful she has nothing better to do with her time than be a nasty eff head.
Hey Shayna.. You're mother was right! You will amount to nothing in this life. Oh and I think you are totally underestimating the power of the blog. True friends are made here. Shame you're so full of hate, you'll probably never get to experience it. Oh and you're a big coward!
Flash! are so freaking awesome you got bitches hating on you! All us girls know why Sha-nay-nay is doing what she's doing...jealousy is such an ugly thing. Poor child, got no one to love her.
zac creeps me out.
Clearly I missed the drama from yesterday, so I'm about to check it out. Glad you got lots of Bloggy support, even if it wasn't from me.
;-( Sorry!
I think Zac is HOT and I cannot wait for Vampire Diaries in a few hours--woohoo!
Shayna, does that rhyme with vagina?
Clearly she is just jealous of your good looks, intelligence, and sense of humor.
Why oh why does Efron have to go and eff up the Hangover?? REALLY? He can't find some g-rated production to grace?? Geeeeeez.
Oh man, I get to watch vamp diaries tonight!! YAY! That Damon is mine though, so hands off!
My very smart husband learned the hard way that eating a whole habanero pepper in one bite is a very bad idea. He won the $20 bet, but lost some of his stomach lining in the process. Boys are DUMB.
And your baby does have ears like the fox on my page - lovesit!
I actually like you!
I don't think you can take those shoes on the airplane. They're obviously designed to hold surface-to-air missiles in that hole there...
I had no idea about Hong Kong Fashion Week - that's some crazy stuff!! CRAZY!! I hope things go well with your pup - my crazy animals could use some assistance, too. We're just too lazy to send them now that we've had them so long. GOOD LUCK, Bailey!
Oh, and Shayna should find something to do. A boyfriend, maybe? A good book . . .
Zac? Really? That's aweful!
GIRRRLLL I'll always have your blog's back! bahaha even though I'm a new follower. Plus, it helps that Shayna is an idiot.
Oh girl. So sorry you have to deal with ugliness on your blog. I'll never understand but you're handling it well and staying classy. Your blog is adorable and love the 'news you can use' idea!
ew shayna: the only thing I can think to say to you is "I don't hate you bc you're fat, You're fat because I hate you."
mean girls quotes work well in any hater situation.
the good news is: she came back for more! good job, meredith!
shayna's ears are hot pink and she's starting to type really fast.
You are so hilarious. This 'news' is certainly some that I can use. Hottie politician- I love! Glue head, hm, notsomuch. Zac Efron...yum. And what the hell, with the hateful one showing back up today?? Grrrrr.
Who has time to bloghate?! Really?! Didn't I just do a post about haters?! Gosh. Meredith, pay no attention to this idiot. Seriously. Her comments are the ramblings of a know-nothing, so in the end, just laugh it off. I always tell my kids at school: "If you talk about me, well, you're just making me famous!" ha ha ha ha
Have a great night:)
PS - Love your baby's face - sooooo sooooo adorable!
PPS - Those outifts - wow - yea - I would feel like I was in a locked box with NO holes if I wore one of those! ha ha ha
so i totally missed all the hater drama. sorry about that. it's probably some phony just fucking with you 'cause you're fabulous.
great news updates. does this mean i should stop reading the news altogether and get my updates from you? ;)
The hat is GROSS! hehehe. The rest is awesome. Great post. YOur blog does make me want to pee my pants sometimes too.
Just wanted to stop in and thank you for your visit today! Your blog is hate on a "mom" blog! I loved The Hangover...but, even at my age I think Zac is looking better with age. You might want to reconsider that!
zac + the hangover sequel = no bueno. good call.
also, i'm glad you love blue like jazz too. such a good book. we go to the same church as donald miller...although i've yet to see him there.
I wish I had a hater. When people are jealous enough about your blog's awesomeness to actually hate you for it, that's when you know you've made it as a blogger. Some day perhaps.. some day.
The first time I saw the new premier of one of the states here my first thought was "Wow, she's hot.. for a pollie".. but now that I actually listen to her, she's kind of a bitch.
Those shoes look very hard to balance on.
I love this POST! and TOTALLY agree with you on everything!! lol
what a sweet puppy!
I'm a new follower of this blog, and I'm loving all this comment drama! Meredith - I enjoy your posts, you seem like a cool lady :)
How sad is it that I took one look at that dripping helmet pic and thought, DAMN, CAN I LICK THAT??
OMG she actually came back and commented again?! Can you please NOT block her just so we can amuse ourselves with the stupid things she's saying??
And UGH, Zac Efron in the Hangover 2? I'm not sure that even Zac Galifianakis can fix the movie if he's in it. (Yes I had to Google his last name.)
Zach** Galifianakis...go figure I can spell his last but not his first name.
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