here i am on my preschool picture day, and clearly, i was ballllllin' in my denim and bunny print overall dress. thanks to the date written on the back of the photo, i can say with certainty that this picture was take the month before my 5th birthday. i'm pretty sure age 5 was the point at which my personality and attitude were permanently fixed. let me explain: don't be fooled by my little smile, i had just pinched the little boy beside me in line for lifting up my dress and i received a time-out. it was all worth it for me though, because i remember the little boy crying and telling me i was mean. that taught the little effer not to lift up my bunny dress. men start early, it seems. and see those splotches on the photo?? it's spaghetti sauce. i know this because the picture sits in my mother's kitchen, the glass in the photo was broken when someone carelessly dropped me, and she clearly doesn't love me enough to regularly windex my photos.
In and Out for 2025
2 months ago
Ok, so you pinched a boy, big deal! I personally do not believe that your action warranted a time out! Hello, he lifted your dress! Little perv. You are too stinkin' cute in that picture!
Youuuu are precious.
That outfit is killer! I wish I had an overall dress. I had overalls...and dresses, but never a combination of the two.
You were so cute!
So are you saying you don't wear dresses anymore or that you don't give out pinches for lifting the hem?
I'm just keeping notes.
i would like to borrow your dress and i kicked boys in their shins for lifting up my dress.
high five, girly.
Seriously cute! I can SO see you pinching the crap out of some boy for lifting up your dress. This was #1 why I never wanted to wear dresses in school - and didn't all the way until I was 20 something unless I was forced to. Now I don't mind, mostly because I know I can kick a boy in the no-no zone and get my point across, I've done it before and I"ll do it again if you touch my skirt... :)
This is freakin' cute!!! Is that a homemade overall dress?
You are CUTE!
Dude, the kid's lucky you didn't murder his face. I stole that from MODG. It's my new favorite.
You tell those stupid boys how it is, sister. Seriously, you're nice to ONLY make him cry. I would've been way meaner. Or maybe I would've kissed him. No telling at 5. I'm pretty sure I had about 3 little boyfriends then. :)
I love the overall dress combo!
You are sooo cute! While you were "ballllllin'" in your preschool pic, I was "bawling". I was such a baby. My eyes are SOO red in the picture. Very embarrassing. haha!
I didn't even know they made overall dresses that weren't full on denim! I really missed out.
You are too cute there.
At first I only noticed the splotches on the dress and thought you had a messy lunch before pictures (my kids would do that).
You know how to rock a bunny-print dress! You go!
how about the little perv that lifted your dress? he didn't get in trouble? i would have told him he deserved it, but i guess that's why i'm not a teacher..
you are super cute! and the perv got off easy. you should've pinched him again after your time out since he didn't get punished!
Don't let those boys bully you!! :)
Oh yeah, Haley could use a tough chick like you on her side. Too bad you're not still 5 and going to school with her. She is so not bold enough to pinch anyone.
Look at your posin' on the tree like a model lol. And good for you for pinching that little boy! He deserved it. Guess his mother didn't teach him respect for little ladies.
MEN. Jerks. :)
Umm, I'll file this picture under the cutest thing EVER.
Ha! Love this, spaghetti sauce and all!
What the heck that time out was so not deserved he started it by taking a peek at you. What a jerk even then lol. Your adorable in this pic.
So cute!!!! And good for you pinching that boy! ha ha ha
That is hilarious...way to teach that little booger who's boss!
Ha, so cute!! You were such a sweet thing, looking not acting! Ha!
i have witnessed you do far more painful things to men than pinching them.
example: kick to the nuts.
He was asking for it!
PS You are too friggin cute!
Well weren't you just the little model??
I used to shove boys and laugh. LOL >:)
Cheeky! Cheeky! I like!
My kinder photo also takes pride of place in the kitchen!
Your preschool picture could not be cuter!
So I just saw this (rockin' dress btw) and realized it's Wednesday and I didn't do my TMBT! AHHHH must go do it rightthissecond.
You look like a child model! If you weren't then maybe you should have been. Good for you for pinching that little pervert. Go meredith!
I once had a romper with bunnies on it. In fifth grade. My best friend had a matching one.
And? You and Emmi sooo can be besties. See, on Monday we went to a playdate, and the little boy was all "THAT Emmi is MEAN!" Apparently, she beats up the boys. I was all, "Dude, she weighs 35lbs, and you have a good three inches on her. Quit your crying."
So cute! Love the dress:-)
Pinching boys eh!
This was actually very funny! And you love to blog just like me, and we both live in texas. LETS BE BLOG FRIENDS!
I left you something on my blog lady!
you are so cute! i love your blog!! im following you! follow me!
happy wednesday! :)
That boy should be counting his lucky stars all he got was a pinch. You have to be a little more than the next boy in line just to get a peak at Meredith's Girldom. PULEAZE. I would like to know, many times did your pigtails get yanked because I can see that happening and Lord only know WHAT you did to that kid.
Very cute pic and a cool blog too.
I totes kicked a boy for making fun of my friend in 4th grade. He cried. I got sent to the counselor. Worth it. Ah ha ha
making boys cry is a good skill to have. start learning em young!
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