i think this picture is from a preseason game my junior year of college. here i am being all fast like dribbling the ball down the field and sweating my little arse off. it was seriously 99 degrees and 100% humidity that day. it was always such a pleasure playing soccer in houston during the summer months and even into august and september.
this is one of my favorite pics that was taken during my senior year soccer season. i distinctly remember the story behind this photo and it really did capture the emotion of the moment. i was a senior, my teammate (gemma) who i'm hugging here, was a freshman who played forward. she had been taking a lot of shots that day but most weren't on goal. our coach was getting pissed and was about to pull her. i pulled gemma aside and told her to calm down, shake the nerves, screw what everyone else was saying, and take a damn shot on goal. (i was a good captain and pep talker like that.) next play, i passed gemma a thru ball up top and prayed to God she'd do something with it or else she wouldn't see the field for awhile. sure enough, she shot a perfect shot up top in the left corner of the goal and put our team on top. this photo was taken just after she scored.
p.s. oh, and something exciting is happening around these parts tomorrow. if you like cool, free shit, i suggest you come back tomorrow. i know you were planning on it anyways, eh?
p.s.s. or is it p.p.s? anyp.s., i had a dream with k.stew and r.pattinson in it last night. r.patz was missing his right hand. it was weird. k. stew was actually really cool in the dream, albeit a bit awkward as she is in real life. i made out with r. patz. he was an amazing kisser, you should know.
p.s.s. or is it p.p.s? anyp.s., i had a dream with k.stew and r.pattinson in it last night. r.patz was missing his right hand. it was weird. k. stew was actually really cool in the dream, albeit a bit awkward as she is in real life. i made out with r. patz. he was an amazing kisser, you should know.
Look at your skinny ass arms! How tall are you? Have we already had that conversation? I think of you as being 5ft3in, but now I think you are maybe taller than that.
cath - you were close! i'm a hair under 5'4... i'm not tall. at all.
You just made me throw up a little in my mouth. Your skinny makes me ill, and DON'T get me started on your TAN. Some people have all the luck.
Although, I do get to brag about being exactly 5'4. Take that! I'm taller than you. Hmp.
i am glad to hear the patz was a good kisser. he seems a little pansy ass in this new movie they are advertising right now and i dislike it.
i was going to comment on how toned your arms were, but everyone else commented on your arms, so i don't want to give you an arm complex.
you look like a pro, yo.
Because I am a sore loser, I was the anti-athlete in high school. But these pictures make me wish that I had ever been good at any sports. It looks like much fun!
I'll be back tomorrow obvs, and not because of cool free shit. Although I will say that I might avoid your blog if there was to be free shit on my hand.
So not fair that you even look good while sweating and playing sports. Clearly Hagaga gets her good looks from you.
Love the goal scoring pic though! Very cool.
Fingers crossed that the cool free shit applies to Canadians. We always seem to get left out of these things for some reason. Is it because we're not cool?
I started soccer at age 5...love the game.
Love the pics..you look like a bad ass!
I love emotional photos like that. Totally captures the moment!
I am totally jealous about Rpatz. Why can't I dream about him? Why do I only get Hugh Jackmon and Prince????? WTF?
i remember playing softball in houston's humidity.......TORTURE.
I always wanted to play sports in HS... I was too worried about doing the wrong thing - or not fitting in. (like running the ball down the wrong direction and scoring for the other team - that would have sucked). I was really good at Volleyball but never tried out for the team. Super lame on my part.
In the end I joined the Dance/Pom Squad my Junior year and loved it - I was captain my senior year and rocked it. I loved giving pep talks to my teammates and I'm so happy to hear you were the supreme pep talker on your team!! Well done!!!
I can't comment on the R. Patz stuff - I don't like him at all (sorrys) I'm not a Twilight fan but I'll keep that to myself :)
Those are some awesome pics, meredith. You look so professional. Did you ever consider going pro? I want your legs now, along with your arms. Oh and ps. Do you tan? How are you so dark? Are you portuguese??
Looking good! Good soccer story too. Do you watch amazing race? The stupid pageant girl that said, "Iraq and such as" is on it and she had to make 5 targets and she started crying and saying she was amazeballs at soccer. I liked it.
Hot mama. You look fabu in those pics lady!
Hagaga gets her good looks from you. Very funny, Cher!
Ok, I love this Take Me Back the best. I LOVE the sporties and you are the ultimate sporty spice.
1) i like that you're an encouraging cpt
2) you are super tan. im irish
3) i like free shit.
God soccer players have the best bodies. I SOUND SO CREEEEEEPY.
This post is interesting and I'm loving your blog :)
Are you one of those girls who goes out in the sun for 5 minutes and gets really really tan? If so, I hate you.
Awe, You are so cute! What an awesome teammate you were too! I love that pic and the story.
these are some hot soccer pics :-) too cute.
Looks like a pro shot! Love it! Oh and you are totally the hottest soccer player ever!
Mia Hamm! You probably wouldn't have liked me in HS...I was the kid who the soccer girls always picked last in gym haha!
You young kids and your silly dreams.
I have never played soccer. Or any other sport, for that matter. Does jump rope team count?
Anyway, my nephews are big time into soccer so this post made me smile.
P.S. We're getting a brand new stadium up the street for the Atlanta womens team. Should be fun on weekends!
P.P.S. It's P.P.S. :)
You look great in those pics! I used to love playing sports, only in high school though. Didn't do it in college.
I actually already knew R. Patz was a great kisser. Maybe I should have clued you in? Sorry about that. He also has the most amazing. hands.
I played soccer for about 4 minutes in the the 3rd grade. I got sick playing one spring and never went back. But I stuck it out with basketball. Not through college (or even high school) so you totally get all of my r-e-s-p-e-c-t for that!)
And of course I was coming back tomorrow. Have to get my fill of FP!
So funny about your dreammm hahaha
You look more like tennis players than soccer players in that second picture. I think it's just the white uniforms.
Good leadership skills go a long way. Well done.
Perfect body and tan. Do you have any friends left after looking like that?!?!?!
Totally kidding, but you look awesome. And sound like one helluva leader, too!
Aw, I love sports stories. I miss playing sports. Sads.
Anyway, I told someone about the flower that smells like dead people last night.
You look great in those pics! I used to love playing sports, only in high school though. Didn't do it in college.
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