i know, i know... i'm a day late. sorrs. i know you all are so compassionate and kind that you understand, right?? today's
take me back tuesday takes us back to a 4th grade-ish meredith where i was around age 9. my mom, little brother, and i went to oregon during a summer vacation trip. my favorite part about the whole trip wasn't the scenery or the gorgeous mountain air - it was the huge nike store that had everything and anything nike and was like five stories tall.
(really it may have just been two stories, 9 year old meredith may have made shit up. whatever the case, the nike place was HUGE.) remember, i was totes into soccer? well, since all my favorite soccer players wore nike, i thought if i did i'd be THE next
pele or
mia hamm all decked out from head to toe in my "just do it!" gear.
(google "pele" and you'll see how awesome he was.) i was kind of a big deal, you see. so here i am on one of our hiking trip all g'ed up from the feet up in my nike gear. i clearly thought i looked good. funny, i don't feel the same way now looking back at these pictures. *sigh*

Suuuuuuppppper hot! And you are right, we love you so we forgive you!!
Have a great Wednesday my friend!
Look at those legs! I guess I should have played soccer when I was nine.
Classic pics!! My friend just got a job with Nike out there... pretty cool stuff!!
Awesome!!! I always love nike outlets and their shoes but their shoes HATE me. They always hurt my feet :(
Note: You could have called this Way Back Wednesday. So happy to have you back and feeling better. ox
You were only nine?? Very cute!
I just read your cucuracha post on MC, and OMG, I would have flipped my crap right out if I saw that in my car. I also do that when I see a bee in my car. It probably looks hilarious if you drive past me when I'm doing the lamaze breathing.
The other sight gets the cockroach story and we get this? I'm switching to the other sight. Or I'm Lobbying for better material, (now that I know you are a lobbyist I am going to incorporate that into every post).
Are you like a generic lobbyist or do you just lobby one cause? Because if you are a generic lobbyist that is going to make my torture even worse you know.
Niiiice! Don't cut your hair like that again. I like it long!
It's insane how much you look like my sister when she was that age! You guys could have been twins. Not so much anymore, but I will have to find a picture of her from the days of yore and show you. TWINKIES!
What are you talking about?! You look kick ass! Haha. Ok maybe its a bit much but i too am a nike whore so i can't hate too much. Plus you're adorable!
That 9 year old looks like she could kick my ass. Kinda scared.
Oh tall socks I had forgotten all about you until this very moment.
Hope you're feeling better!
Your old school nikes make me miss my Sambas!! :)
you are the nike hotness.
and i too can not comment over at masala's place- so i will tell you here. that post is one of the very first ones i remember reading of yours, and part of what made me fall in blog love with you.
Dang, look at those gams, girl!
I am always checking you out. No matter where you are whoring yourself out. :)
i will take your legs in a second!
You are so cute! I remember wearing my socks like that hahaha...ahhh.
Bwaahahaha...you were a NIKE QUEEN!!! Ah..Mia Hamm...she was so fantastic for about 10 minutes. I LURVED her!! I remember feeling the same way about the Nike on Michigan Ave when we went when I was about 12. I mean Nike having it's own store? Not in small-town KY...just Nike within a shoe department within JC Penny. That's sheer awesome and I love how proud you were. Your mama loved you to hook you up with that. My mama didn't love me quite Nike-enough...more Reebok-enough.
Nice pins!
SOOO flipping adorableee!!!!!!
What a look! You had a lot of fab sock choices haha
You are a soccer badass!
umm so i totally read ur post at masala chica. I hate cucarachas. not fun!
Maybe Nike should abandon the sinking ship that is Tiger Woods and start sponsoring you.
Man I love your take me back tuesdays! haha
And don't worry, I'm back to the blogging world, I know you were terribly saddened.
: You could have called this Way Back Wednesday. So happy to have you back and feeling better. ox
Work From Home
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