remember the denim and bunny dress?? well, it's made it's comeback here at my grandparents' house while carving pumpkins. and remember how one of my nicknames is "moody padoody"? well, you can thank the gramps for that one. he still calls me that to this day.
now, grandpa, you have to be very careful and precise. i'm less concerned about you cutting yourself and more concerned with the perfection of my pumpkin. i don't want you messing up my masterpiece, ya hear?
THIS right here in my grubby little hands is why i don't carve pumpkins. pumpkin guts.
oh, and i really love your wallpaper, grandma. tres chic.
looks pretty damn good, if i do say so myself!

Haha, you are so cute!
Bunny dresses at Halloween, who taught you to dress?
Grandpa has got carving skills. Love the denim dress...too bad they don't have one in my size :)- Lol
Have I told you how cute you are?? No? Well, you are the cutest little denim-bunny-dress wearing lady ev-er!
Too funny! :)
Knock it off with your cuteness, already! And your grandpa, super cute too! Ugh.
Umm duh. How could we ever forget denim and bunny dress?
I LOVE carving pumpkin, but I cannot stand the guts. I will only take the insides out of I have plastic bags wrapped around my hands and even then I gag at the smell and if any of that slimyness touches my skin. SO gross.
Your pumpkin looked lovely though. :)
So cute!! I love the bow in your hair!
So I officialy dispise where I work. They have blocked blogger and google reader so I'm forced to look at blogs on my phone during my lunch break. Not sure I can keep up with tmbt now that I can't do it during my lunch break.
You're so freaking cute! Love the pumpkin :)
Loves it! So cute. Gramps has mad carving skills.
Wow. You really worked your ass off on that carving.
By that I mean, did nothing but watch.
Lazy kids.
If it's a good outfit, wear it all the time! :) Adorable!
Ed is such a raging asshole, isn't he? HA!
I am the same way. I do not carve pumpkins nor do I dye Easter egs because it is too messy. And when The Surfer does that nonsense with the kids I close my eyes.
see. i preferred dinosaur clothing (and by clothing, i mean sweatshirt dresses) when i was a kid. there were always wearing funny outfits, having mice floss their teeth, etc...
but you look tres cute in your bunny dress. and denim is like huge right now, so you were so ahead of your time.
ummm i love your bow!
AWWW!!!! that is totally adorable!!!
What a fun series. I love this! You are so cute!!
Okay, this is adorable!
Also, I have a new post up that I think you'll like (FINALLY, right? hah!)
i am calling you moody padoody from now on!!
that dress is fab. why dont you wear it anymore? you know it would still fit your skinny, fabulous body! (hate you!)
Those pictures are too cute! Love that wallpaper!
well according to these ladies anyone who texts is the spawn of satan! and thanks :) I love your comments
I'm pretty sure that wallpaper is coming back. But maybe as a cute summer dress? With a ruffle at the bottom? And the best thing about pumpkin guts is the roasted pumpkin seeds.'re going to want someone else to get pumpkin guts under their nails for you to enjoy those with an ice cold beer. Surely you could bribe maybe Gramps?
Hahaha Love the line about Gramps messing up your pumpkin.
You don't want him getting blood all over it.. though it would be kind of cool.. a bloody jack-o-lantern.. very Halloween.
I was just thinking "We don't do Jack O Lanterns" in Australia, and then I remembered we don't do Halloween. That might be why.
So cute! Your grandpa looks like a cool dude too.
Hope you still have that little dress number.
Adorable! And that wallpaper reminds me of something my parents used to have in their house... :)
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