(idiot) teen accuses accuses mom of facebook harassment. teenagers can really be little shits sometimes, i swear. apparently some 16 year old little twit from arkansas filed a harassment complaint at a local courthouse when his mom shut him out of his facebook account after she read he had driven 95 mph. according to the mother, many of her son’s postings didn’t reflect well on him, so after he failed to log off the social networking site one day last month, she posted her own items on his account and changed his password to keep him from using it again. "the things he was posting in facebook would make any decent parent’s eyes pop out and his jaw drop," the mother said said. "he had been warned before about things he had been posting." i'm pretty sure i'm going to give my kids to my mother when they hit their teenage years. you think i'm joking. just wait.
shake them haters off? that phrase is typically told to people who don't really deserve negative press, but this doesn't really seem to apply in j.j.'s situation because he is being hated on for good reason. jesse james is the most hated man in america. i'm sure this comes as no surprise to any of you, but i still felt compelled to let my readers know.
my true love throughout history. i think it's safe to say, ladies that we all lust after the same love: shoes. namely, high heels. men, you know this. there's not many women who don't love shoes. that being said, let me share with you my one true love throughout history. these pics show me how far our love has come and just how long women have been wearing heels. some of these bad boys are from the 15th century.
a craptastic engagement. lindsay lohan's pop, michael lohan, is now engaged to kate major. don't know kate major? well, she's jon gosselin's ex-girlfriend. not-so-surprisingly, lindsey is quoted as saying this engagement makes her want to vom. quite frankly, i couldn't care less.
{what a perfect couple}
a very special birthday. one of my real life best friends, sara, is celebrating her birthday this weekend!! she's been a bestie since our college soccer days, and after dozens of roadtrips and shared hotel rooms later, she's still a bestest! (gaahhh, that hotel comment sounded weird, but you get my point.) as an athlete, i think the bonds created with friends and teammates is really unique and tight. not only is sara one of my best friends, she was an amazing teammate and stood ready to kick anyone's ass who messed with me on the field. that's the benefit of being a part of a team, you mess with one of us, you mess with all of us.
happy birthday, sara ann!! i love you!!

I do love me some shoes but some of those are just ca-razy! And teenagers are little shits. I remember once in High School, my mother took me the doctor and asked the doctor what was wrong with me because I was talking back to her and being generally rude and dismissive. The doctor blankly stared and her and then responded with, "Um....she's a teenager?" DUH MOM! But yeah, I was a little bitch.
Teenagers make me want to vom, especially my brother and sister sometimes, ugh.
Happy Birthday to Sara!!!
Oh come on, I am sure Kate and Papa Lohan are deeply and madly in love! ha.
I've been debating in my head the past few weeks whether I'm going to allow my children to have access to sites like Facebook when they come of age. (My 8 year old stepson is already obsessed with Farmville, but as far as the networking, he has no idea what the heck its about.) I think it all leads to bad things when kids have the freedom of the internet like that. Look at these kids who commit suicide after online bullying, or look at all the nasty ass self-portraits of these kids. Its just asking for trouble. Of course, when my kids are teenagers, there will be something far cooler than Facebook that I'll have to deal with, but from where I'm sitting now, I'ma go ahead and say NO WAY to letting them use that crap.
And I agree, teenagers are shits.
Happy birthday to your friend! :)
lol. kate major. i saw this yesterday and was like, wait - that face looks familiar.
yea, jj can suck it.
those shoes are stupid. end of story.
happy bday to your bestie.
Did you say something after that? I must have missed it!
Happy B-day to your friend. I hope you get to do something fun together.
Those shoes are weirdorama!
And WTH with kids these days?? They make me wanna straight up SMACK THEM.
Happy birthday to your friend!!
That Michael Lohan thing makes me want to barf...I thought he was already engaged to some other famewhore?
BEST FRIEND I LOVE YOU MORE THAN SHOEEESSSS!!! :) can't wait for this weekend!
happy birthday to Sara.
Your tan in that last pic makes me look like an albino. Thanks for that.
You ladies are purty. Happy Birthday to your friend!
Teenagers scare the living shit outta me....have you heard that song? It's funny. :) Crap. I totally forgot the band that sings it. I mean, I know the band that sings it, but now I can't remember the name. What the hell??
Happy birthday to your bfffff!!! Cute pics!
Wasn't Kate Major just sleeping with Jon G like a couple of months ago? Could they BE any more doomed? That whole family is a trainwreck!
I LOVE all those shoes! The last one confuses me to no end and I wish I could try it on!
Happy Birthday to your Bestie!
I like Lilo's comment about her father's enGAGement. VOM is totally worthy.
Jessie James - it's such a sad thing to see how far he's fallen but it's his own damn fault. I used to think he was quite a catch, but that was ONLY after he was attached to Sandra's arm. Needless to say he fooled her and he fooled me. WHAT A TOOL! And this whole sex addiction rehab is just redic.
The whole Lindsey Lohan's father getting engaged makes me vom in my mouth.
Eeeew Michael Lohan. I just lost my Lean Cuisine.
Fun fact--MY RL Bestie? Her first name is Meredith. Aaaaand I'm Sara! Creepy, no?
(Not that creepy because she goes by Colleen, but still.)
LiLo's dad makes me sick, and so does his new fiance, famewhore. Eww.
Some of those shoes are CRAZY! lol.
Happy Birthday to your friend :-) Hope you ladies have fun celebrating!
shut up. Kate Major and Lindsays dad????
Woah! I mean, that is just sick and weird and shockingly awesome. =)
Those high heels are ridiculous haha
You know what? It makes perfect sense that the same woman who'd go for Jon Gosselin would then hook up with Papa Lohan. They're of about the same caliber. UGH!
Cute bestie bday post, though. :)
Oh those shoes are so interesting! Happy Birthday to your bestie! Have a great day, gorgeous girl! XOXO
omg those shoes look PAINFUL!!! kate major looks like yesterday's drunken trash. eww.
Kate Major is a pro triathlete. THAT is how I associate the name Kate Major. Not to this gross ass skank bag. How dare she have such a name. The real Kate Major must be so disappointed.
Also, The Surfer got chat for about 5 minutes with Kate Major after his race and I think he is in love. Jason and Haley might have a new mommy.
You and your IRL bestie are so super cute. Happy Birthday IRL bestie Sara!!
Those are some serious heels! I love heels and I think I'd pass on most of them.
Looks like you girls had a great time! :)
The only thing men know about high heels is that they make women's legs and asses look good!
Nice pics at the end there, I see you're trying to making up for letting your job to you away from us. Spring would almost be proud.
Happy Birthday to your bestie!
Is Papa Lohan the biggest douche canoe out there or what? Well, I guess we could throw Tiger and JJ in that canoe too.
Shoes, I do love them. Oddly enough, my hubs has a lot of shoes too. It's weird.
Teenagers are idiots. I know, I was one once.
I'm kind of embarrassed that I know exactly who Kate Major is. Ah ha ha
Happy birthday to Sara.
I don't know who Kate Major is either. I also don't know what she sees in Lindsay's dad. The man seems like a little bit of a tool.
I don't blame that kid's mum for locking him out of Facebook. I think all kids should be locked out of Facebook. The groups and they trouble they come up with, it ruins it for the rest of us.
ewww...you're telling me someone actually wants to marry camel balls, er i mean mr. lohan. SICK!!!
gaahh.. i should have added the info about LiLo's dad's engagement to my most today!! how disgusting!
First Tiger and now Jesse. It's deeply disturbing. Us regular gals don't stand a chance if beauties like that get cheated on.
Wow those are some wild shoes. It is so awesome to see all of the things people come up with!
New to the blog world:
Those shoes are whack. Happy Birthday to your bestie! :)
Ugh, I can't stand Lindsey Lohan's dad. He's such a creeper! And JJ...yeah he deserves the hating.
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