hey friends, i'm blogging on my iPad from my mom's hospital room. she was admitted yesterday after having an anaphylactic allergic reaction. looks like we'll be having a couple more slumber parties here because the swelling in her throat and tongue isn't going down as quickly as the doctors would like. my dad is still in europe, so i'm staying here at the hospital with my mom and making sure my siblings are taken care of. please keep my mom and i in your prayers. i would love and totally appreciate lots of prayers! the steroids are keeping my mom wired, so i have yet to sleep! we've stayed up watching movies and playing games on the iPad. so i guess it was money well spent!

Aw, I hope she gets better soon!
Praying for yall, Meredith :) Hope she feels better very, very soon.
I hope your mom gets better soon, thinking about you both!
Thinking of you guys! Hope she feels better soon (and you get a nap!)
I hope she starts feeling better soon!!
I'm no stranger to bad allergic reactions so I know how stressful they can be.
She's lucky to have you there!!!!
money told me yesterday afternoon that this was going on, so you and mom have been in my thoughts prayers since then!
hope you guys get out of there soon!
Hope your mom gets better, hope you didn't bring any of your work with you ;).
Send her my bloggy love. Hope she gets better soon!
Oh no! I hope you get well soon, Mrs. Meredith's Mom!!! You are such a wonderful daughter to be there with her keeping her company. :)
Sending prayers to you and your mom! =)
Hope she starts feeling better soon.
keepin y'all in my thoughts and prayers! she's lucky to have you around!
oh my goodness!!!! definitely praying everything turns around soon!!!
I'm sorry to hear about your mom but I'm sure she'll make a speedy recovery! Sending all my best.
praying for your mom's speedy recovery, mer! thinkin of y'all and sending great vibes y'alls way.
Aw, I hope she starts feeling better soon! At least you're making a not great situation fun!
oh no! how frightening! glad to hear she's on her way to a speedy recovery! wishing and praying for it to be just a bit speedier! Big bloggie hugs! :)
Oh no! Sending lots of prayers your way! Keep us posted.
Lots of prayers hope she is better!
Praying for your family!
Thinking of your mom! Glad that Ipad is going to good use!
That is SO scary... ugh...
I am glad that you are at the hospital and that she is being well taken care of.
i am so afraid of this happening to me as I have random new allergies that are creeping up on me all the time (can you believe that I am deathly allergic to apples? scary business)
And enjoy the ipad :)
Are you reading everyone's blogs to your mom to keep her entertained? I think she would like Jess's Urban Dictionary feature a lot.
As you know, you and your fam are in my thoughts.
Oh no! Praying!
What is your momma allergic to?
I hope she gets better SOON! Praying for her!
Hope she's doing better today.
Maybe some Chelsea Handler would cheer her up. Or the tour of Monique's house.
Hope she makes a full recovery soon.
Thinking of you M!
I hope you mom gets well soon!
I hope your Mom feels better soon! Sending good thoughts your way!
Much love to you and your mommy!!
Oh dear! Hope your Mama feels better soon...sitting in the hospital being a 'support' to someone can be so hard after a while. Hang in there!!!!
I hope that she gets better very soon! I'll be praying for her
boo to hospitals! loves to your momma! <3
You know that we have seen our fair share of hospital rooms in the last few months. So I feel your pain, for sure.
I'm thinking about you lots and hope that your mom is released soon!!!
Lots of prayers headed your way, and remember to take care of yourself too. :)
I'm prayering for her!!!!! Hope she gets better VERY QUICKLY!
Loads of good vibes heading your way dollface! iPad! iRad!
Meredith -- I am so sorry to read about your mom. My son is allergic to nuts, I've had to use the Epipen on him (despite being super, extra, OCD careful about what he eats!), so I do know how scary those severe allergic reactions can be. I really hope your mom recovers soon, it sounds like she is getting good care, both from you and the hospital, so I am hoping she makes a quick recovery. Praying for her ... - J
Oh that's terrible! I'm so sorry to hear this :-( I hope your mom recovers soon! Of course, you, your mom, and fam are in my thoughts and prayers!! Keep us updated.
Awwwww... sending mucho good thoughts your way and saying lots of prayers for ya'll. Hope she gets better soon.
oh no, meredith! I am so sorry to hear this. I hope things improve soon so she can come home. You are such an amazing daughter and she's so lucky to have you looking after her and everyone else. hang in there. i hope you're able to catch some zzzzzz's.....keep us posted.
Prayers for your mom and hugs for you xoxo
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