i don't typically do things like this, but i've seen it around the blogosphere and it looked kind of fun.
a. area code: well, we have three in houston actually. (713), (281), and (832). my cell starts with (281). you can guess the rest.
b. bed size: queen. my california king-sized bed is still at my parents' house.
c. chore you hate: hmm, well i actually enjoy cleaning. i'm kind of an organized clean freak. but i guess i have to say, i hate scrubbing pots and pans.
d. dog's name: bailey! but she will also respond to: bailey boo, little nugget, nugget head, bat girl, boo bear, coo coo, sugar bear, love bug, ratdog, bug catcher.
e. essential "start of the day" item: this isn't really an "item," per se, but prayer. i have to begin my day in prayer. after that, homemade banana bread!
f. favorite color: hmm, it depends on what it is. i'm always drawn toward the color turquoise, though i have nothing turquoise in my house other than clothes.
g. gold or silver: i like both, but i primarily wear silver.
h. height: 5'4" but i wear heels a lot, so i look taller. at least i think i look taller?
i. instruments you play: umm, does tapping my pen on my desk count?
j. job: i'm a lobbyist. my official title is "deputy director of government affairs." still confused about what a lobbyist is or does? read this article written by a mentor friend of mine. i recommend reading the article even if you do already know. it's good stuff.
k. kids: just one little fur baby. i plan on having kids one day, though.
l. living arrangements: in a condo, with my little fur nugget.
m. mom's name: it starts with an "S."
n. nickname: oh, geez i have a ton, and i can't really tell you all of them, but here's some... mer, mer bear, m, moody, moody padoody, merry mulberry, princess, doll, cheerleader cheerleader, sissy.
o. overnight hospital stay: quite a few times, actually. once for knee surgery and twice for getting this weird virus and had to be quarantined for six days. hospitals are no stranger to my family with as many health issues as my mom and little sister have. a lot of nights have been spent sleeping at the hospital while my mom was there. never fun.
p. pet peeve: where do i begin?? being lied to, lateness, rude drivers, bad table manners.
q. quote from movie: i don't necessarily have a favorite, but i always find myself saying, "you're killing me smalls." (name that movie.)
r. righty or lefty: righty.
s. siblings: two - a brother (18 years old) and a sister (11 years old). (i actually grew up with five older brothers. long story. maybe for another day, but probably not.)
t. time you wake up: 6:45 a.m. then i hit snooze a few times.
u. underwear: underwear? isn't that a little too personal??
v. vegetables you dislike: i have to be in the mood for veggies, but i like most of them. well, i hate onions (is that a vegetable?) and black-eyed peas.
w. ways or reasons you are late: i'm typically on time, surprisingly. i'm a very punctual person. but if i am late, it's usually because i overslept or traffic.
x. x-rays: umm, tons. too many to count. i've had a lot of broken bones, and i played sports my entire life. college athletics lead to lots of x-rays.
y. yummy food you make: banana bread!!
z. zoo animals you like: penguins. i love watching the wittle penguins swim all around. i would love to steal one, as a matter of fact.

My dad works for a natural gas lobbying firm in DC! So if you ever want to move east...ha...
Well three digits down 7 to go. So how I have a feeling I just have to start calling around Houston in my spare time asking for the "deputy director of government affairs".
You put that, no underwear, and strange viruses together and we might just make you more interesting yet.
You're my job idol. *Sigh*! Emailed you :)
Sandlot =]
Loving the abc
Want to make me some banana bread?
Love the prayer + banana bread :)
Well... now I am super curious about the 5 older brothers. Great list though... so fun to learn little things about others!
Happy Friday!
I ALWAYS say you're killing me smalls! I think everyone who grew up with The Sandlot does. And about your job - you basically do what Leslie Knope does on Parks and Recreation, except that instead of the Parks Department....you're government affairs! Haha, do you watch that show? It's hilarious!
What a fun post! Sandlot is a great flick! I'm with you about the instruments... I'm just not talented like that. Haha! Do you care if I do a post like this too? I'll link yours of course!
mmm...I LOVE banana bread and the Sandlot!
Have a great weekend!
I remember when Houston was just 713 only. :) My parents are 281 now too.
Man, I'm a cleaner too... don't mind it a bit. Actually, I can't really relax in a dirty environment. Too icky.
Awwww... love that you start off with a prayer. You make me want to do the same.
I so appreciate getting to know you more... cheers friend!
well if you need some underwear, a girl on the cod is selling hers on craigslist.
you are the cutest. just so you know.
Haha...great answers!!! I just might have to do this myself :)-
And YES...tapping your pen counts.
My favorite quote is: "Hello...McFly". Hahaha...i use it in another context of course.
You still haven't talked about the bf so I doubt you'll get to the brothers. I'm off to read the lobbyist article now because I honestly don't know much about what you do.
PENGUINS!!! I love penguins. I have one on my desk right now. :)
This is cute!
lotsa xrays and hospital stays, surgeries are so rare amongst most girls, but i kinda like thats part of who i am. i love my scars.. they give me character, and are kinda badass :-)
Traffic is the only reason I'm EVER late, damn dallas traffic!!!
Mer Bear. I love that.
And Jason also hates onions. Coincidence? I think not.
q. sandlot. der! best line in the movie! that and "for-EVER, for-EVER".
lobbyist huh? so that's what you do. always wondered :)
So fun! I may have to do this too. And I totally agree, penguins all the way! Have a great weekend!
soo.. your pet peeve: "being lied to, lateness, rude drivers, bad table manners."
you basically described me..
i'm not sure what to think about this..
I set my alarm for 6:45 too. I've never known anyone else who sets their alarm for a "quarter to" or "quarter past".. most people go for the half or the hour.
Isn't that interesting?
But I think I set it for 6:45 because I know I need to do that to get up at 7. It sounds like you're the same.
Hey I've had knee surgery toooo! My right. Tell me you had your left done and we can totally be a matched set.
Also, you should eat MY blackeyed peas. With ketchup on top. The Southern way--you'd be a convert.
Hi There..Come follow Laugh Out Loud. I hope you will email me a link to one of your funniest posts, so I can add you to the Calendar..Im looking forward to getting to know you and your sense of humor..!!..Laffylady ...the line up is getting longer...
fun survey!! i love the color turquoise too. you should infuse a little of it into your place in the form of a funky vase or something. it's such a fun vibrant shade!
Isn't it strange how the colors we love are rarely in our houses?? Like I love red, but I wouldn't have anything red in my house. Except my kitchen.
Penguins are awesome! I can't get over how big the king ones are :)
Penguins are my husband's favorites too.
There is turquoise everywhere in my house(and closet). Love it! "You're killing me Smalls" is something that is heard around here all. the. time. Such a killer movie.
Great answers Moody Padoody.
now i really want banana bread.
AND....LOVE the new blog design. so so pretty!
Great A-Z's!!! I enjoyed reading them!
New follower :)
The Parlor Girl
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