with all the focus being on my mom, poor bailey's been neglected. last night, quasi and i took her out to dinner with us on the patio of a restaurant. because she was (surprisingly) so well-behaved, we decided to take her shopping to one of her favorite stores in the world - petsmart. we let her peruse the stuffed animal and chew toy aisle, and she sank her little sharp teeth into her new favorite toy... meet mr. monkey:
please excuse her leash. she has this thing with keeping it on. i guess she likes to be prepared to leave at a moments notice. anyways, here she is being all (unsuspectingly) sweet and nice with her new mr. monkey. she was loving on him, cuddling with him, licking him, and even giving him sweet little kisses. please notice her paw on mr. monkey's chest. he is her man, and she doesn't like to share.
fast forward to 10 minutes later. mr. monkey is now missing his nose. bailey has apparently determined that mr. monkey no longer has a need to use his olfactory senses. i think she thinks she was doing him a favor. plus, i'm sure she smells good enough for the two of them.
uh, oh. not only does mr. monkey not need to smell, he apparently doesn't need his left arm either. many of you may remember me discussing bailey's issues with men here - poor mr. mouse met such an early demise. seems like it was only fair for mr. monkey to follow suit. i'm beginning to think that bailey is part black widow spider - female black widows kill their males after mating with them. or maybe my baby girl just has an affinity for men full of stuffing.
update on my mom: thank you so very much for all of your words of comfort, thoughts, and prayers. you all have been such a comfort to me. my mom is doing slightly better than she was yesterday, which is a huge plus in my book. her asthma and allergist doctors *think* she was reacting to the steroid treatments they had her on, so she's switching. she's at home, but must be taken to see her asthma and allergist once a day and call in every couple of hours. they also gave her two new medications: one for the angioedema (swelling) in her tongue and throat and one for her constant itching and hives. i think she's taking 12 different meds at this point - all with the primary function to keep her breathing and keep her airways open! they've got to constantly monitor her to make sure she doesn't have any further adverse reactions to all the medications. we're taking things day by day right now, so please keep her in your thoughts and prayers.
i hope to be back later with a new edition of take me back tuesday (TMBT)!!

Sending lots of love!
sending you and your mommy lots of hugs and love, my dear and that bailey needs to SETTLE! lol.
Lots of hearts and thoughts for your mom!! I hope she continues to improve every second!
Now on to Bailey. She looks SO HAPPY with Mr. Monkey in that top picture!! And Mr. Monkey looks pretty happy too. Like he has no idea of his terrible fate. Hopefully he is right handed.
12 different meds?!? Your poor mom. Glad to hear there was a little improvement.
And Bailey just makes me proud. There should be more women like her--ripping men's noses clear off their faces.
I'm glad your mommy is doing a bit better! I hope she continues to improve!
Hanna does the same thing with toys she loves...and basically whatever else she can get her teeth on. She really hates books for some reason.
maybe your mom could use a new stuffed animal too?! it seemed to help bailey? ...anyways, i'm keeping your mama and your fam in my thoughts and prayers! xo lady
Wow, I don't know how your mom does it. Sounds like she lives on oxygen and water.
Oh, Bailey, you've got a thing or two to learn still, darlin. Though we might get mad at our men, we cannot rip them to shreds!
Bailey is a beast! Let's just never hope she falls in love with an actual puppy!
I'm glad things are looking up for your mom. One day at a time!
haha she is so cute. and well if she takes after her mommy, you cant blame her right :)
That poor poor monkey! But what a cute puppy. Bailey is looking all sweet and innocent... rrrriiigggghhhhttt!
Glad your mom is feeling a bit better... thank goodness she is being monitored so closely... :) *Hugs*
My girls (the 4 legged ones) team up to tear apart thier loves. It is quite facinating to see what they can do together.
Will keep praying for your mom and that they can get all the meds regulated.
Snuggles LOVES petsmart too. Your Bailey makes me laugh lol. Maybe she is part black widow, it does sort of make sense.
Glad to hear your mom is doing better today. I'll continue to pray for her!
such a good update on your mom!!! let's keep these ones coming!! and i bet she is sooo glad to be in her own home and own bed!
and seriously bailey is adorable and i love her immense affection for her babies...she loves them so much she shreds them to pieces!
Bailey sounds a bit like my parents' dog... Hershey. He devours his toys... we finally found one he hasn't destroyed for some odd reason. Mr. Pirate. He carries that darn thing everywhere and squeaks it in your face when he needs attention.
I have to catch up on posts... but I am glad to hear your mom is doing better... sending prayers her way for continued strength and health!!
And oh Mer- I could've used you yesterday. My Con History final was a hot mess... but everyone agreed it was terrible so I think we all bombed it together.
Aww yes, the classic dog post.
Right there on my list with cat posts.
"There" being the bottom.
But its still higher than cat posts cause cats are assholes.
Seriously though, glad your mom is doing better.
i'm glad mama flash is home and resting! i hope she keeps getting better and better! hugs & prayers!
bailey is just like patton. he let's them live a little longer than bailey, but only by a few days...we call the stuffing inside baby blood. he makes us play tug of war with him and as soon as he hears a stitch pop he looks for the baby blood and pulls it all out. such a wonderful way to spend my money ;)
I hope everything is only getting better with your mom, you've been in my prayers.
your dog has gotten so big! her attitude is utterly adorable.
thinking good thoughts for your mom!
Cute dog! Our dogs devour the toys too, they're crazy but gotta love them:-)
Your dog needs to come live with me! She would fit right in with the rest of us Crazies.
And with all the love heading to your Mom, how can she NOT get better? She will, I just know it!
I think it's fantastic that they are having her go in every day and call every 2 hours. That's a reallly good way to keep tabs on her and make sure she is okay. So many dr's send you home and leave it at that.
BTW: Don't feel bad about the monkey. My dogs literally rip the ass out of every toy. It's disgusting. It looks like they sodomized em.
bailey is definitely a man-eater just like her momma! sammy likes to rip his toys open and eat the squeakers. i'm sure thats really good for him.
my dogs torture their toys too. i once gave bodie a bulldog stuffed animal and literally 5 seconds later he was shredded up like a jillian michaels workout video! i was in shock!
Haha, that arm is toast! Poor monkey, may he rest in peace with mr mouse.
Woohoo for your mom starting to get better!
Ummm...seriously...your little lady must have a thing for not liking other species or something :)- Lol
It should be a contest to see if one of us bloggers could find her a toy that she CAN'T rip/tear/mangle apart. I'm ALL for it!!!
So happy to hear about your mom getting better. Time it takes...as the recovery process is coming along. Still saying prayers :)
Ack, poor monkey!
Glad to hear your Mumma is on the mend! Must have been scary times!
Billy... he is also a destroyer. Kong toys are my only saviour!
love & healing to your mama, and glad she's on the upswing . . . and your pup is so cute! why oh why do dogs feel the need to destroy their stuffed toys . . .
I think this is a classic example of women always wanting to change their man. Some are more subtle about it than others.
Glad to hear your mum is doing better, and I hope the new medication helps.
One of our dogs is a cuddler. The other is a destroyer. You should see the fight that ensues after the destroyer goes after one of the cuddler's toys!
I think Bailey needs a real doggy boyfriend. A good butt sniff would do her some good.
Glad to hear your mom is home, hope she feels better soon!
Oh my goodness. I'm so sorry about your mama's health issues. I'll be praying for a speedy recovery for her!
I'm glad things are going better with your mom. It's small steps but they are in the right direction. You all are in my thoughts!!!
Miss B is a beast! :) Our dog June has this same issue we've stopped buying stuffed animals because they don't last - then again there is nothing like getting knocked in the knees with a rope toy either (she whips us with those darn things). Dogs are so crazy :)
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