TGIF, for reals, yo. i swear this past week has felt like i worked for a month straight. and to make matters worse, i burnt off part of my eyelashes (which are already growing back nicely, thank you very much) and was bitten by what has to be a monstrously huge spider because my whole left hand is swollen and red and hurts.
in honor of the weekend, we all need a good laugh. these somewhat unorthodox family portraits were too funny not to share. i wish i had time to dig around at my parents' house, because i'm pretty sure we have a ridiculous christmas photo somewhere. if you have an insane family photo, send it to me and i'll post it here.
unless otherwise noted, all photos were found here.

OMG. What else can be said??? Except possibly WTF?!?!
Meredith... Sweet Mercy! I don't know what to do with myself right now!! Those are freaking hysterical and Lord knows I needed a laugh right?!
Have a great weekend my friend!
The dust busters are classic! I love Grandma with her dark taupe dust buster! If only the baby in tie-dye had a baby mini dust buster!
Happy weekend M!
AHH HAAA!!! i love that site. cracks me up every time. the one where the dad is shirtless is friggen classic. i'm sure my family has some goofy pics too but not nearly as bad as these.
luckily my parents did not make us pose for too many family photos. thank goodness....
i do remember one though- i was at my grandmothers house and didn't know we would be taking it...i had come home from private school and immediately changed from my skirt into sweats, then they decided we should pose for a pic. i am in like a nice top, and sweatpants. its hot.
Oh my. That first one just wrong. Plain wrong.
Oh my gosh - those are amazing! That first one is my fave though! haha! Have a great weekend!
Soooo I should NOT get matching plaid shirts for our Christmas photos? And I also shouldn't make all of us lay on top of Mike? Got it.
But seriously--who DOESN'T want a family photo with their Dustbusters? Gah. Love them!
Thank you so much for this awesome self esteem boost today! Whenever I'm feeling down, I have only to go to that website.
It literally took me 30 seconds to understand what was wrong with the baby on the changing table pic.
I love the image of the couple kissing the baby! These are awesome. What is UP with the dust buster picture?!?!?
I hope your hand gets better soon hun. I HATE SPIDERS!!!
These photos are hysterical. Laughing at the domino effect in #1 & the baby who doesn't want the parents kissing the cheeks :)- Lol
Have an amazing weekend.
Haha these crack me up!!
this website cracks me up every time!! have a fabulous....and burn free weekend! =)
Oh my gosh the man boobs is the best... or should I say WORST?!?
hahaha these are hilarious!!!
I was just introduced to this site a few weeks ago and I love it!!
And I really love the ones where you can tell they're from way back when.
The retro-ness of it makes it so much funnier.
Hahaha... love the one with the dustbusters!
And, I must admit, it took me a second to see the gun rack in the diaper changing scene. Good idea? NOT.
Excuse me while I try to take my jaw off the floor!!
Those are incredible choices. HILARIOUS!
OMGosh that was a great laugh!
Did you see the one of the pregnant Asian girl? Her husband has his head on her naked belly, eyes closed and holding a feather or something. hahahahaha
Oh God, I don't know which one I'm more horrified about, the pic with the gun rack of all. that. plaid.
Guns over the baby...OMG. You might be a redneck if...HA!
Lol those are TOO funny! Especially the one of the parents kissing the baby on the cheeks. He looks SO frightened!
I have a Christmas one of my family where we are all in green and red turtlenecks doing the most awkward pose ever. It's terrible.
Dustbusters would have made it the bomb though.
The second one was definetely my favourite.
In fact, I might get to work early one day, make that everybody's wallpaper, and then leave the office and come back later.
Better yet, do it on a day I'm taking as annual leave.
Haha! Every time I go to that site, I die laughing! Enjoy the weekend!
OMG - these are too funny! Great post!!
Hii- I know this is based off your last post- but I am trying to buy a bunch of Victoria'a bathing suits & can't decide on a size & was wondering if you could help me out!?
Oh my.
I really have nothing to add to this! They're all just so...horrid.
Love the pic of that little guy's face when mom and dad are kissing him --
stopped by to give you some blog lurve after reading your comment on Salt's blog :-)
My favorite has to be the one with the girl on the couch. Why is she the main focus while everyone else appears to be hiding behind the couch? Ha!
Hahahahaha!! Those pictures are hilarious!! I'm dying!! Thanks for the laugh, I needed that!!
Oh you KNOW I'm going to run out and buy this book! How can you not!? HI-larious! Hopefully next year the authors will follow up with obnoxious and obscene Christmas newsletters.
PS: I hope your eyelashes are growing back, if you need me, I'll run right over with my Latisse
omg...this is too
i literally just spit out my beer laughing. im using it.
OMG! the one where they're piled on top of each other---ROTFLMAO!
I love that site, it's awkward as it's best.
The dust busters are classic!
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